Coco Gelato

A wonderful & incredible original ice-cream concept in the heart of Bruges.

Welcome to a world where creativity meets sweetness! We elevated the ambiance of this ice cream shop in Bruges with our custom LED neon signs. Our colorful creations add a touch of whimsy and charm, inviting customers to indulge in a delightful experience. Imagine the streets of Bruges adorned with swirling cones and playful popsicles, all illuminated by our vibrant LED neon signs. These bespoke designs capture the essence of the shop, making it stand out among the bustling cityscape.

From bold “gelato” signs to dazzling displays of your signature flavors, our LED neon creations turn heads and ignite excitement. We brought this vision to life, creating unique designs that reflect the personality and spirit of your ice cream haven. With our bespoke LED neon signs, this ice cream shop in Bruges is shining brighter than ever before!

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Inspiration: Lights for a private party
Light up your party with our custom-made LED Neon
Bar Noir – Brugge
Stunning ambience with red LED Neon

Stay in the glow

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