Privacy Policy


  • What?
    This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, store and use your personal data.
  • Who are we?
    Artsy Impact, a BVBA called Habiterra BVBA (“Artsy Impact”) with company number BE.0865.050.552 represented by Charlotte Wybo, manager.
  • What data do we process?
    Basic identification data (name, address, e-mail, preferences) financial data, and surfing behaviour.
  • For what purposes do we process these?
    To be able to provide you with our products, for communication about our services, for website analysis and general marketing.
  • For how long do we process your data?
    For the duration of the execution of the agreement. We need to keep certain data longer for social or fiscal reasons.

Any questions? Feel free to ask them via


Artsy Impact (hereinafter “The Provider”) considers the guarantee of privacy and the protection of your personal data very important. With this privacy declaration (hereinafter “Privacy Declaration”), the Provider wishes to inform the user in detail about the processing of his/her personal data and corresponding rights when using the Website (hereinafter “Website”).

By using certain functions of the Website, the Provider receives your personal data, which it will process with respect for the privacy of the user and in compliance with the law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy in relation to the processing of personal data (, which from 25 May 2018 will be replaced by the (European) General Data Protection Regulation (“AVG” but better known as the “GDPR”/”AVG”).

If you would like more information on privacy and data protection, you can always visit the website of the Belgian Commission for the Protection of Privacy (also known as the Data Protection Authority) via the link:

By accepting this Privacy Statement, you give your general consent to all the processing described in this Privacy Statement for which consent is required.


This Privacy Statement applies to all our potential, current and former users of the Website. The Privacy Statement is valid for all pages hosted on the Website and for registrations to this Website. It is not valid for pages hosted by third parties to which Artsy Impact may link and whose Privacy Statement may differ. When you are referred to another website or application, the Privacy Statement of that other website will apply.

This Privacy Statement forms an integral part of our Terms and Conditions. By accessing and using the website or otherwise providing us with personal information, you expressly agree to this Privacy Statement.


Habiterra BVBA, a private limited company, represented by Charlotte Wybo, acts as data controller (“Processor”) when processing personal data and this with respect to the processing activities performed by the Provider under its own responsibility and authority.

Habiterra BVBA (“Artsy Impact”)
Kragendijk 124
8300 Knokke-Heist
Represented by Charlotte Wybo, manager
RPR Bruges


1. Personal data processed when filling out the contact form on the Website:
Personal identification data are processed when a visitor contacts the Provider via a contact form on the Website. This person is looking for more information regarding the Provider’s services. The processing of personal data is based on the contractual relationship and the previous contacts.

2. Personal data that you communicate to us:
Firstly, we process some of the personal data that you have provided to us in the context of our services. For example, we will collect your personal data when you contact us, for example when you send an e-mail with questions or complaints about our services. Furthermore, we process your basic identification data for managing our customers as well as our suppliers. In order to use our services, you are required to provide us with your data, including some personal data such as your e-mail address, name, address, language preference and contact details. After providing our services, we may also ask for additional information which may help us to provide you with even more customized services, such as your experiences and suggestions. Our legal basis for this is our legitimate interest and because it is necessary for the performance of the contract.

3. Personal data we collect based on your use of the website:
We keep technical data about each individual who visits our Website. In order to facilitate navigation on the Website and to optimize its technical management, the Website uses “cookies”. In particular, this concerns log file data such as IP address, pages opened, mouse clicks, the date and time of your request, your browser, the search engine, device data and the keywords used to find the Website, etc. This data allows us to recognize you and can tell us how you use our Website, for example which pages you have viewed. Our legal basis for this is your consent. These analyses allow us to improve the ease of use of our website and to tailor the website to your preferences and interests.

4. Personal data that we obtain from third parties:
We also process certain data that we obtain from other companies, namely our customers and suppliers. This mainly concerns the basic data of your profile (name, e-mail address, date of birth, postal code, gender). This information includes, for example, direct identification data, email addresses, and information such as professional background, indications of average age, gender distribution, language choice and location data. We may also supplement the personal data we collect with information from other reliable sources, both online and offline. Artsy Impact will only do so to the extent that this data was collected lawfully by the third party and can also be lawfully shared with us for the purposes we intend. If necessary, Artsy Impact will obtain explicit permission for this on site. Our legal basis for this is the performance of the contract and our legitimate interest.

5. Other purposes on the basis of our justified interest or on the basis of the execution of the agreement:
guaranteeing the management and control regarding the execution of the offered products; sending and following up orders and invoicing; sending promotional information regarding the identical products as what the customer has already ordered; possibly sending free samples or offering identical or similar products at more favourable conditions; answering the questions of the users; realising statistics; improving the quality of the website and the products by the Provider. Our legal basis for this is the performance of the contract and our legitimate interest.


Cookies are text files that are placed on your computer to collect standard internet logging information and behavioural information. This information is used to track visitor behaviour on the website and to compile statistical reports on the website.

For more information on which cookies we use, for what purposes and for how long they are stored on your browser, please refer to our Cookie Policy on our website.


Habiterra BVBA (“Artsy Impact”)
Personal data that by using the contact form of this website are processed by the Provider.

The Provider relies on external processors. This means, among other things, that for certain tasks or surveys, we temporarily transfer data to third parties if we do not have the means to do so ourselves, e.g. hosting website, mail platform, helpdesk tools, … If we do so, we will always ensure that your data is treated confidentially and used securely. We always stipulate this contractually Artsy Impact with these processors. Thus, the processor will never be allowed to use your data on his own initiative and, except where otherwise required by law, your data must be deleted as soon as the processor has completed the task.

To governments and regulators in the context of certain legal obligations, if we suspect and/or try to detect certain criminal offences, in the context of the enforcement by third parties of their intellectual property rights, if we believe that you have violated the terms of use of our website and/or app, or if we wish to enforce our Privacy Statement.

Your personal data will not be transferred to other external parties without prior consent or notification, unless The Provider is obliged to do so on the basis of a legal provision or a court decision.


The Provider will retain your personal data only for the minimum period necessary to fulfil the purposes set out in this Privacy Statement, except in the case of dispute resolution or if a longer retention period is required by law for tax, social and administrative purposes. Non-personal information may be kept without limitation in time for statistical purposes.

Specifically, data collected through the contact form will be kept for 1 year after storage in order to provide services.

Your data will only be actively stored for 5 years after your last order of our services. Artsy Impact will retain your personal data for the duration necessary to achieve the objectives pursued. Sometimes we are as Artsy Impact obliged for tax, administrative and labour law reasons to keep data longer up to 10 years, for example invoices or data used in case of a dispute. Artsy Impact may also continue to retain personal data relating to individuals who have cancelled their accounts, to answer questions or complaints that may be sent after the termination of its services and to comply with all applicable laws, including tax laws.


The Provider recognizes that the security of personal data is an element of data protection. Therefore, The Provider will take appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized processing or unauthorized access in order to prevent misuse.

For any transfer of personal data to a processor outside the EEA, The Provider will always do so in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Statement and follow the applicable data protection laws and regulations to ensure adequate safeguards.


You can exercise your rights by sending an e-mail to The Provider. In order to prevent any unauthorized disclosure of your personal data, the request must be sent from the e-mail address associated with your account or contact form submission.

The Provider has one month to respond to your request. This period begins when The Provider has received your request and has all the required information to fulfil your request.

The Provider will provide the requested information free of charge. If requests are unfounded or excessive, in particular due to their repetitive nature, The Provider may charge a reasonable fee or refuse the request.

If, for some reason, you believe that The Provider has not properly handled your request, you can contact The Provider, who will work with you to find a solution.

For the sake of completeness, we inform you that if The Provider does not respond to your request, refuses it, or if our response does not meet your expectations, you always have the right to file a complaint with Data Protection Authority. Address: Rue du Printing 35, 1000 Brussels, Tel: +32 (0)2 274 48 00, E-mail:

However, we ask you to contact us first. In the event of a dispute, we undertake to promote dialogue and openness in search of an amicable solution. If no amicable solution can be found, the Privacy Policy is exclusively subject to Belgian law and any dispute concerning the validity, interpretation or implementation of the Privacy Policy falls within the exclusive competence of the courts of the judicial district of Brussels, to the extent permitted by the applicable rules of international private law.


Your personal data will be stored within Europe. Artsy Impact always endeavours to process personal data within the EEA as far as possible and, in any case, only transfers data to a non-EEA country if that country offers an adequate level of protection within the meaning of the GDPR, or within the limits permitted by the same law, for example by ensuring data protection through appropriate contractual provisions.


Right of access:
You can ask us which personal data we process from you, what we process it for, which categories of personal data we process, with which categories of third parties we share your personal data, the origin of the processed data and – if applicable – the logic we use in the automatic processing of personal data.

Right to rectification:
It is currently possible for any user to correct their account details themselves via The Website. In order to keep your data up-to-date, we ask you to make any changes yourself.

Right to erasure of data:
You can ask us to delete your account. By doing so, you will no longer be able to use The Website. After the request, the Provider will suspend your account for 30 days to give you the necessary time for reflection. After that, the account will be permanently deleted.

Right to restriction of processing:
In the cases provided for in Belgian and European privacy legislation. When processing is restricted within The Website, your personal data (except for storage) will only be processed with your consent or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of public interest. After obtaining this processing restriction, you will always be informed by The Provider before the processing restriction is lifted.

Right to transferability of data:
You have the right to obtain the personal data you have provided in a comprehensive, structured and machine-readable form and have the right to transfer such personal data to another controller where the processing is based on the legal grounds of consent or contractual relationship.

Right to withdraw consent:
If the processing of a personal data is based on the basis of consent, you as a user have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. This can be done by cancelling your account.

Right to object:
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data only if the processing is based on public interest or legitimate interest.


We regularly check this Privacy Policy to ensure it complies with the standards set out in the AVG. This Privacy Policy is subject to change as our services continue to grow and evolve. Although we will do our best to notify you of any significantly changed terms, we encourage you to check them regularly for any changes. We will then publish the amended version online. Changes will come into force 30 days after we have published the latest version.

The last change was on 20th of August 2021. You can always find the most recent version on our website.

Do you have any questions or comments about our Privacy Statement? Please feel free to contact us at

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